Why Are Barns Painted Red?

One of the most iconic aspects of the classic American barn is its red paint job.

The classic red barn is a fixture of the American landscape, an iconic reminder of rural life and traditional values. But why were so many barns painted red in the first place? While there is no single answer to this question, the most common explanations point to practicality and/or symbolism.

Red Barn near Greenwood, Delaware
Red Barn near Greenwood, Delaware

There are a few different explanations for painting barns red…

1) The practice of painting barns red dates back to the early 19th century. At that time, most barns were made from wood, unlike today’s steel and concrete structures. Bare wood was weathered by the sun, rain, and snow and was attacked by fungi and mold. As a result, barns of that era looked quite shabby. The wood of the barns was coated with an oil such as linseed oil (from flax) and may have also had milk or lime mixed in (white barns). But they also used rust (iron oxide) because it was plentiful on a farm and it also killed the fungi and mold/mildew that would, otherwise, grow on the wood surfaces. Since the red “paint” was inexpensive and easy to obtain, it was used to coat the barns in order to prevent a dilapidated condition.

2) Red paint also softened the hard lines of the barns and made them more pleasing to the eye.

3) One belief is that barns are red so a farmer’s cows can find their way home, but if so, that’s a failed strategy cattle are colorblind to the colors red and green .

4) Red is the color of barns because it symbolizes fertility, and paints containing red pigment have been used to paint barns for centuries.

5) The tradition of painting barns red is thought to be an ancient European one, and it likely started when the Celts began decorating their houses and temples with red clay.

6) Red is the most popular color in the world, with more shades than any other. It’s present in a number of different cultures, religions, and traditions. Some see it as a symbol of prosperity, while others associate it with love or death.

7) Red can be seen as a sign of danger. In many countries, it is the color of fire trucks and ambulances, as well as stop signs. It’s also associated with warning labels on dangerous products.

8) In many cultures, red represents happiness. It is the color of fire, and the color of blood. In India, it symbolizes prosperity and power.

Red, red barn on the Delmarva Peninsula
Red, red barn on the Delmarva Peninsula

Here’s a “story” that seems rather far-fetched – and why do we not believe this?

In addition to protecting the barns from the weather, another reason for painting barns red was that it protected them from fires. When dry barns were burned, the flames would not catch on the wood. This was because paint did not readily ignite, and the smoke from a burning barn was usually black because it absorbed heat from the flames rather than reflecting it back. In the summer of 1892, a dry barn was destroyed in Vermont by fire. The owner, Mr. Thomas B. Robinson, of Middlebury, stated that the paint saved his barn from destruction and that he was never sorry for having used it. In the winter of 1892, a barn in the town of Middlebury was struck by lightning, which started a fire at one corner. The dry paint helped to smother the flames and prevent their spreading. The fire was discovered and extinguished before it reached the hay loft. In a short time, the barn was ready to be painted again. Since no one could remember exactly what color it had been originally, a decision was made to paint it yellow. The theory was that it would be easier to determine when the paint was no longer yellow than to try to recollect what color it had been before.

Red Barn outside of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
Red Barn outside of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

Which one do you believe? We happen to agree with the first one about a means of preserving the barn wood with materials at hand. Makes sense, right?

Yes, of course, these images are available as prints, wall art, framed, on canvas and on a variety of home decor items.

Link to: Iconic Red Barn at Greenwood

Link to: Plain Jane Red Barn

Link to: Gettysburg Red Barn

Link to the: Bill Swartwout Photography Gallery

Right Place Right Time Photo Tip

It is luck or is it preparation or a little of both – to capture that perfect photograph?

You never know when or where the perfect photo opportunity will present itself.

Capturing a moment with the perfect photo can be an elusive task. Being in the right place at the right time is essential for taking that perfect shot, but the equipment you have can also make or break your photo opportunity. Remember that the “best camera to have” is the one you have with you. That may not always be your professional rig. Fortunately, today, most of us always have a camera at hand because our phone cameras are highly capable devices. A 12 Megapixel image that you have is better than the 24MP (or larger) image sitting at home (or back in the car).

Leaf Peeping in Newton Falls
Leaf Peeping in Newton Falls

As an example, the image above was from our trip last fall – right in front out our Holiday Inn Express near Newton Falls, Ohio. We were leaving to go to dinner – the light was perfect, the autumn foliage was spectacular and the sky was a beautiful blue. My Olympus gear was packed away back upstairs and it would have taken 15 minutes or so to come back with the “right” gear. After 440 miles of driving, we were tired and hungry, so I grabbed a few shots with my iPhone 12. I also thought (planning ahead, right?) that the morning sun would provide wonderful light for that same tree, albeit from a different angle. However, the next morning it was very windy and raining and nearly all the leaves were gone. Right place at “exactly” the right time, right?

Rainbow Panorama Olivees Mountain St. Kitts
Rainbow Panorama over Olivees Mountain on St. Kitts Island. This rainbow appeared after a quick morning shower that happened while enjoying a late morning coffee on the deck of a cruise ship. The rainbow would not wait for a “better” camera than the old iPhone 6 I had at the time. Yes, this image has sold multiple times.

When you’re out and about looking for a great photo opportunity, it helps to have the right tools. Having the best camera on hand can make all the difference in capturing a stunning shot. However, if you’re caught without your professional setup, don’t worry – you likely have a fully-capable camera in your pocket or purse.

Here’s another example that arose just last night (seriously, the night before I wrote this article) while walking along the dunes line at Myrtle Beach, SC. We come here to escape the cold for a few weeks (snowbirds?) and I was out planning where I might get some nice sunset views/shots while we are here. The sky and setting sun were nothing special so I just went for a “planning” walk to set up for future sunsets. As I was heading back to the condo I looed away from the setting sun and saw a cloud with amazing light and color.

colorful cloud over atlantic ocean myrtle beach sc
Colorful Cloud over the Atlantic Ocean at Myrtle Beach, SC

I’m sure you can guess what “camera” I used for that image. Remember, 12MP in your hand trumps 24MP back in the condo.

Yes, photographs by Bill Swartwout are for sale as wall art and on a variety of home decor items.

Link to: Leaf Peeping in Newton Falls

Link to: Rainbow Panorama over Olivees Mountain

Link to the: Bill Swartwout Photography Gallery

Artificial Intelligence Art Imagery

What is the impact of computer-generated and ai imagery on contemporary art?

Yes, I scored the domain, aiArtImagery.com, to support my foray into the world of artworks created with the use of Artificial Intelligence software algorithms and/or websites offering such services. Computer Generated Images (CGI) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) have been in use for a (relatively) long time. We are used to seeing CGI in major motion pictures like Jurassic Park and Star Wars. However, the concept of creating art with Artificial Intelligence by describing, in text, what the desired outcome should be had become somewhat of a buzz-word topic these days.

purple muntain majesty artificial intelligence art example
Purple Mountain Majesty Artificial Intelligence Imagery Example

Computer Generated Imagery (CGI)

Computer-generated imagery (CGI) has had a significant impact on contemporary art. The use of technology in art has allowed artists to create images and animations that were previously impossible to create with traditional methods. CGI has also changed the way that artists create and think about their work, as well as the way that audiences experience and interact with art.

One of the key benefits of CGI in art is that it allows for greater experimentation and exploration. Artists can now create images and animations that are incredibly detailed, complex, and intricate. They can also manipulate and distort reality in new and interesting ways. This has led to the creation of new art forms, such as digital painting and virtual reality installations.

Another impact of CGI on contemporary art is that it has made it more accessible. With the widespread use of computers and digital tools, many more people are now able to create and share their work with a wider audience. This has resulted in a democratization of the art world and has allowed for a wider range of perspectives and voices to be heard.

Finally, CGI has also changed the way that art is experienced and consumed. With the increasing use of digital devices, audiences are now able to engage with art in new and interactive ways. For example, virtual reality installations allow viewers to enter and explore a digital world, while augmented reality apps allow them to experience art in a new and interactive way.

Overall, the impact of CGI on contemporary art has been profound. It has opened up new possibilities for artists, made art more accessible, and changed the way that audiences experience and interact with art.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Imagery

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been increasingly used in the creation of images and other forms of visual art, and its impact on contemporary art has been significant.

One of the main impacts of AI-generated imagery is that it has opened up new possibilities for artists to experiment and create in ways that were previously not possible. For example, AI algorithms can generate new images or animations based on a set of inputs or parameters, allowing artists to create complex and intricate works that would be difficult or impossible to produce manually.

Fenwick Island Lighthouse
Fenwick Island Lighthouse in the “Starry Night” style of Vincent Van Gogh

Another impact of AI on contemporary art is that it has changed the way that art is created and experienced. AI algorithms can create images that are indistinguishable from those made by human artists, leading to debates about the nature of creativity and authorship in the digital age. AI also has the potential to change the way that audiences experience art, by enabling the creation of immersive and interactive experiences that respond to a viewer’s actions.

Finally, AI has also had an impact on the way that art is consumed and distributed. With the increasing use of digital devices and online platforms, AI-generated images and animations can be easily shared and viewed by a global audience, leading to new and diverse forms of artistic expression.

In conclusion, AI has already begun to have a profound impact on contemporary art and it is likely that this will continue to evolve and grow in the future. As AI technologies advance and become more accessible, they will continue to open up new avenues for artistic exploration and expression.

Change has always been upon us.

Like it or not, we are always experiencing change in one form or another. CGI and AI in art is no exception.

I have been exploring this “new fangled” approach to creating images and have started a small online gallery among the good people at Fine Art America. The two images above are, of course available as wall art and on a variety of home decor items. Click an image above or a link below.

Link to: Purple Mountain Majesty Abstraction

Link to: Starry Night at the Fenwick Island Lighthouse

Link to Bill’s AI Gallery: Artificial Intelligence

More Artificial Intelligence at: Fine Art America